Angels Abound
Angel Card Readings
(Shared via Email)
Whether working in session with a client, or moving about through her daily personal life, Caly is ALWAYS connecting with her angels. Sensing their wisdom, beauty, and enthusiasm to help us all, one of Caly's passions is helping others get to know more about their angels and the angelic realm. We all have a minimum of two guardian angels who are with us throughout our entire earthly life. Additionally, there are various archangels and ascended masters supporting us. Caly works closely with specific archangels, as well as the elementals (or fairies), ascended masters, and spirit guides.
Do you wonder what messages your angels want to share with you?
If so, invest in an Angel Card Reading! By tapping into your energy as well as the energy of the angels surrounding you, Caly will receive and share the messages your angels want to share with you. These Angel Card Readings can be done for a period of 3-months, 6-months, or 12-months. Once your Angel Card Reading is completed, you are emailed a summary outlining the messages Caly received during your reading.
These readings are NOT done on the phone. Depending on Caly's schedule and the time of year, these readings can take two to three weeks to complete. So, if you want a reading to start with a very specific month, please provide at least two weeks notice (obviously, much more time is needed for a 12-month reading). Your personal Angel Card Reading will be emailed to you so you have notes that you can refer to. Readings are intended for one person only and are for consecutive months. Once we receive your payment for your Angel Card Reading, we will reach out to you to find out if this reading is for you or someone else, as well as which month you would like the reading to start with.
"Thank you so much for this beautiful reading. It holds all the components of the issues I am facing right, health, my father and love. I am so excited to follow this guide from the angels."
- Debbie from Canada
"When I initially read that the energy of a 'son' was with me in April, nothing really resonated with me, as I do not have children. Several months later, when I very unexpectedly adopted a male dog who was in dire need of a good home - I realized, this is my 'son'...and yes, this happened in April!"
- M.D. from New Jersey
Dexter...the energy of 'son'
Angel Communication Session
(Shared via Phone)
If you have specific questions for your angels or simply want to know “what messages would my angels like to share with me,” this is an opportunity for you to invest in a half hour of full hour, one-on-one, Angel Session.
These sessions are personalized and give you the opportunity to ask your angels specific questions. These are sessions that are shared via phone. Caly will guide you in asking questions that are truly in your heart and phrase them in a way that will be most beneficial to you. She will then relay messages she is directly receiving from your angels. No notes or recordings are provided with these sessions (so have pen/paper handy).
Whether you gift this to yourself or a loved one, this is a gift filled with angelic love and guidance.
These sessions are personalized and give you the opportunity to ask your angels specific questions. These are sessions that are shared via phone. Caly will guide you in asking questions that are truly in your heart and phrase them in a way that will be most beneficial to you. She will then relay messages she is directly receiving from your angels. No notes or recordings are provided with these sessions (so have pen/paper handy).
Whether you gift this to yourself or a loved one, this is a gift filled with angelic love and guidance.
4-Week Subscription To "Daily Angelic Messages For You"
Join our 4-Week Subscription to "Daily Angelic Messages For You" to receive personal daily angel messages e-mailed directly to you for four consecutive weeks (Monday through Friday). These messages are personally for you and can be from your angels, your guardian angel, an archangel (or two) or maybe even a spirit guide. Each morning, Caly will connect with your angels and ask "What message would you like to share with Jill today?" Caly will then share that message with you via e-mail. ADDITIONALLY, once a week (during your subscription) we will "snail mail" you an actual Angel Card that was chosen specifically for you ("snail mailing" of Angel Cards is solely for those who live in the United States).
How can this contribute to you?
- It will remind you that you have angels.
- It will help open up channels of communication with you and your angels.
- You will receive words of love, encouragement and wisdom from your angels that are personally for you.
- It will remind you that you are not alone.
Once a week, we will send you an actual Angel Card that is chosen for you, so you have a visual reference to place on your desk/carry with you (this is for those who live in the United States). It will encourage you to engage with your angels. They are here for you...this will remind you to reach out to them more often.
Angelic messages are e-mailed to you Monday through Friday (weekends not included). All subscriptions must start on a Monday and will continue for four-consecutive weeks from your start date; each 4-week subscription is for the same person. If there are certain holidays/vacation time (for Caly) that take place during your four-week subscription, adjustments might be made, which you will be made aware of (you will still receive a full subscription, however, there may be a week that is carried over if Caly is travelling or if it is a holiday week - such as Christmas).
So many clients have chosen this - whether for their own personal angelic messages; to gift to a child in college; as birthday gifts for loved ones, etc. Once we receive your payment, we will reach out to you to find out if this is for you, a loved one, the date you'd like the subscription to start with, etc. Price: $42.00
Angelic messages are e-mailed to you Monday through Friday (weekends not included). All subscriptions must start on a Monday and will continue for four-consecutive weeks from your start date; each 4-week subscription is for the same person. If there are certain holidays/vacation time (for Caly) that take place during your four-week subscription, adjustments might be made, which you will be made aware of (you will still receive a full subscription, however, there may be a week that is carried over if Caly is travelling or if it is a holiday week - such as Christmas).
So many clients have chosen this - whether for their own personal angelic messages; to gift to a child in college; as birthday gifts for loved ones, etc. Once we receive your payment, we will reach out to you to find out if this is for you, a loved one, the date you'd like the subscription to start with, etc. Price: $42.00
“Caly, these email notes from my Angels thru you have been amazing. I feel God working thru them. Thank you for sharing your amazing gift!”- Jerilyn from Colorado
"These messages from above are giving me so much comfort, inspiration and strength at the most perfect time."
- Karen from NY
"I'm loving my messages and cards. Thank you!"
- Debbie from Texas
Weekly Angelic Forecast
What is Weekly Angelic Forecast? It is a mini version of our monthly Angel Card Readings. For ONE WEEK ONLY, you will receive a brief summary of angels working with you, their angelic messages, and words of inspiration. This is different from any other angelic service we offer in that you will only receive ONE EMAIL for the week.
This "week" will start on the Monday of your choosing. Sometime before the Monday of your choosing, you will receive an email giving you a summary (sample attached below) of what the angels want you to know for the week ahead of you.
This "week" will start on the Monday of your choosing. Sometime before the Monday of your choosing, you will receive an email giving you a summary (sample attached below) of what the angels want you to know for the week ahead of you.
- Depending on Caly's schedule, you may receive this e-mail sometime on the prior Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. The latest you will receive this e-mail will be on the Monday of your choosing, by 9:30 AM (Mountain time).
- Orders for Weekly Angelic Forecast MUST be received by Wednesday evening PRIOR TO THE START of the Monday you are choosing. For example, if you want a "forecast" for the week of Monday, January 15th, your payment/order/request must be received no later than Wednesday, January 10th. This will give Caly ample time to prepare that week's forecast for you!
- If you purchase more than one, you can have the forecasts completed in consecutive weeks or every other week, every two weeks, etc. (they do not have to be consecutive weeks)!
- You can choose this on "its own" OR in addition to any of our other Angelic Offerings.
Are you wondering what angels will be with you during a particular week...or what they'd like you to be aware of? If so, give Weekly Angelic Forecast an opportunity to contribute to you!
$25.00 per Week
Personalized Angelic Meditation Session
What if you could have a meditation created just for you? A meditation designed solely for you — focusing on things that are showing up in your life. A meditation that is channeled specifically for you, one that you can have/keep to listen to as needed so you can continue to connect with your beautiful angels and guides in a way that works for you. You can!
We are now offering personalized angelic meditation sessions. This is a 1-hour session (approximately) where you and Caly connect via phone. During the first few minutes of the call, Caly will ask you to briefly share what is here for you — whether it's a lot of doubt, fear, relationship challenges, low energy, blocks, etc. It is the time to bring up the energies of what you've been experiencing and what energies you'd like to replace them with.
After a few minutes of discussion, Caly will gently lead you into a guided meditation invoking the energy of angels, spirit guides, animal spirit guides, etc. Each meditation is unique for you. This channeled meditation call will be recorded. Immediately after the session, the link to the call will be forwarded to you to download/save so that you can access the call over and over again. This is truly a meditation channeled JUST FOR YOU!
We are now offering personalized angelic meditation sessions. This is a 1-hour session (approximately) where you and Caly connect via phone. During the first few minutes of the call, Caly will ask you to briefly share what is here for you — whether it's a lot of doubt, fear, relationship challenges, low energy, blocks, etc. It is the time to bring up the energies of what you've been experiencing and what energies you'd like to replace them with.
After a few minutes of discussion, Caly will gently lead you into a guided meditation invoking the energy of angels, spirit guides, animal spirit guides, etc. Each meditation is unique for you. This channeled meditation call will be recorded. Immediately after the session, the link to the call will be forwarded to you to download/save so that you can access the call over and over again. This is truly a meditation channeled JUST FOR YOU!
These sessions have been so well-received and are becoming favorites of our clients. Here is what one client has to say:
"Our (personalized meditation) session from last Tuesday HELPED ME SO MUCH. My energy came back; I'm sure it's a result of our session."
- Beth Grossman (New York, NY)
These sessions are designed solely for you and only you. To receive your personalized Angelic Meditation Session, click on the Buy Now button, below. Once we receive your payment, we will reach out to you to schedule a date/time for your session. We look forward to connecting with you and your angels.
Personalized Angelic Meditation Session - $150.00
Angelic Love Letters
How does this work? You share something you are concerned about or ask a specific question you have for your angels around ONE TOPIC. Caly will connect with your angels/guides for the messages they want to share with you about your inquiry, then she'll send you a detailed Angelic Love Letter (in pdf format, via e-mail), infused with their angelic insight, guidance and messages. These are not two sentence responses...these letters will go into more depth.
Why is it called Angelic Love Letters? Regardless of the question/topic you are inquiring about, the messages shared from the angels are always infused with light and love. Even if it's something you may not want to hear, angelic messages are always infused with genuine love.
Some questions/areas of focus people may inquire about are: a relationship, work/career matters, considering a new animal friend (are you ready), a spiritual matter, where are you creating blocks in your life, recreating love/zest for life, what's the gift/lesson with “XYZ” and the ever-popular "What would my angels like me to know?" Plus, so much more!
Why is it called Angelic Love Letters? Regardless of the question/topic you are inquiring about, the messages shared from the angels are always infused with light and love. Even if it's something you may not want to hear, angelic messages are always infused with genuine love.
Some questions/areas of focus people may inquire about are: a relationship, work/career matters, considering a new animal friend (are you ready), a spiritual matter, where are you creating blocks in your life, recreating love/zest for life, what's the gift/lesson with “XYZ” and the ever-popular "What would my angels like me to know?" Plus, so much more!
These readings will be completed in the order received ~ so the sooner you choose this/submit your question, the sooner your Angelic Love Letter will be sent (after submission of your question, please allow up to one week for completion).
To clarify, you are NOT on the phone for this. You will e-mail Caly the question/area you want to focus on and she will connect with your angels/guides and ask for detailed guidance/messages and/or insight to share with you. Caly will then share their messages in an Angelic Love Letter, from them to you (which will be sent to you via e-mail, in pdf format). Once received, you can then print out your Angelic Love Letter and hold it/meditate with their angelic wisdom or put it somewhere visibly "in sight" as a loving reminder.
To clarify, you are NOT on the phone for this. You will e-mail Caly the question/area you want to focus on and she will connect with your angels/guides and ask for detailed guidance/messages and/or insight to share with you. Caly will then share their messages in an Angelic Love Letter, from them to you (which will be sent to you via e-mail, in pdf format). Once received, you can then print out your Angelic Love Letter and hold it/meditate with their angelic wisdom or put it somewhere visibly "in sight" as a loving reminder.
Who wouldn't want a Love Letter
from their angels?
This is a unique reading that is tailored and focused on your specific area of concern.
Angelic Love Letter - $45.00
Visit our Bundled Sessions page to see more opportunities available to you!